
Fun Things to Do AFTER Chores

I got a new vegan/gluten free cookbook so as soon as I start some laundry and finish the dishes I can sit down and decide what to make first. I'm worried my daughter might have a wheat intolerance... that would suck because I love pasta, and bread, and cake.... and all that! But she is sorta a lot more important than baked goods. Maybe I'll try a cake or some bread. I may not cook but I do looovvee to bake! All I have to do is finish the sucky things before I go pick K Bean up from daycare. (Which I managed to get her off to on time this morning. And I didn't even forget her lunch or changes of clothes!!!)
Yesterday I did end up doing some laundry (whoo hoo) and dishes so I got to sit down and work on Jodi's hat, it is coming along really well and I can't wait to post some pics.

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