
Carless in Vegas, Day 2

We walked to the grocery store down the street. We made sure to bring the baby pack for the ManChild, only 2 reusable bags, and our big family water bottle. We took our time, collected rocks, and got sweet treats when we got there. On the walk back, I carried both bags, which were surprisingly light considering how much we got, and the ManChild, since I knew it would be hard to hold his hand when we had to cross the street. KaBean carried my purse/bag/wallet sack and the water bottle to help lighten my load. We made it there and back, and no one died of heat stroke or dehydration. Mom of the Year, here I come.

They seem to be enjoying exploring around their new home. What little kid do you know that doesn't have an endless appreciation for rocks? The ManChild found a rather largish rack that he insisted on carrying, along with multiple matchbox cars, for approximately 3 blocks. We had to stop at each very large rock along the whole way so KaBean could climb up and see if it made her taller than me. We only found one that was tall enough for that. It was kind of a big deal. I think soon, we will be trying to find our way out to the mountains...

They're closer than they look...

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