Well J Dub is home. But only for... 10 days. 4 of which we will be camping. That leaves us 6 to get our shit together and find a new home. Or get this one all the way ready for a new baby. But a husband who is 6 foot 6, a very hyper dog, an amazingly "helpful" 2 year old, a new born baby and me might be too many people in not enough space. We currently have one bedroom, one bathroom with no tub, one mid-sized kitchen, one living room and one closet. Thats it, no yard, no office for my work from home hubby, no real storage. To say the least, we're cramped.
As of today, I've decided that I don't really care that no one reads this blog. Writing it at the end of the day makes me feel better.
I think tomorrow I might make some vegan apple muffins. If I can get my kitchen cleaned and K Bean to day care on time. I'm planning another walk with my mom and Isis, my beloved mini lab. The haul road is long and flat and right be the ocean, the perfect place to stroll. Hopefully I don't have any Braxton Hicks again. Those are pretty awful!
By the way it is Nurse In Public week. Or something like that. While K Bean and I no longer nurse, she weaned herself (sad) at 14 months, I fully support all NIP mothers. It makes me happy to see the moms out there who have no problem with it or with what others think. In my community NIP is normal. Most moms I know nurse all over the place, I grew up not even thinking about it. When J Dub and I moved to Georgia and had our first baby and I wanted to nurse I realized that what we do in small town California might not be 'normal.' Huh? I didn't let that stop me or discourage me. I have an amazing partner who supported me through the whole process, even when I declared I wanted to nurse till she was at least 2. His mother thought I was wrong and we were the only family at our ped office who were exclusively breast feeding. But he stood by me. When his clients came to our house for meetings he supported me feeding our daughter in the living room where they could see and if they didn't like it they could go in the office and close the door. I've nursed in the recording studio where outkast recorded some of their first hits. I've nursed in front of gang bangers and the Children of Black Panthers... I am by the way, a white girl. When my next baby is born next month I will proudly nurse him whenever and wherever he needs it. Yay Boobies!!!!
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