WOW! Today was a really productive day! I feel like I really got a bunch of stuff done. Not really to do with the upcoming birth... but, still a lot of stuff. We woke up and did a belly cast in our living room, where we will be having the baby. It started out a little bumpy, J Dub and I weren't really on the same page. It was his idea, but he thought we'd do it at my mom's house with her help and him just watching. I thought he really wanted to do it, but he isn't really crafty so I shoulda guessed. After some bickering we got to the part where we actually put the cast on my belly, it was very slimy and wet and fun! J Dub got really into it and it ended up being really romantic. So now we have a beautiful cast of my prego belly drying in the laundry room and as soon as it is dry, I will hang it and post pics.
I also managed to go to my mom's house and borrow the carpet cleaner and get a ton of new yarn. I measured the window for the living room and went to the fabric store to find curtains. Which I found, but I have to pick them up tomorrow, oh! along with the new crib mattress. I went to the plant nursery to find out how to take care of my new plants. That went well, hopefully I wont kill them like all my other house plants... And then Jamie came over and tried to help me figure out how to finish the hat I've been working on since Christmas. We didn't figure it out but it was really nice to work on it. I'll post pics of that later too and if anyone knows the Kitchener stitch aka grafting knitting, let me know. I just can't figure it out!
Now I am going to pick a new pattern and start a new project. I feel like knitting!
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