When I set the Shawl out like this, Huz looked over and said, "wow, you made that?... Now I'm impressed." Silly man- yes, I made it. As you should be. This is the most complicated project I've ever attempted. I love it because it is challenging me to be a better knitter and getting me ready to knit christmas gifts. When I read other knit bloggers I get down on myself a little, "why oh why can I not knit like her or her, or her" and I have to remind myself that I've only been knitting a couple of years and some of these people have been knitting since birth! Others are freakishly talented and I just have to steer clear of those folks. Knitting the Martinmas Shawl is beautiful practice. Getting me ready for the days when I can just knock sweaters off the needles like nothing, teaching me to follow a simple pattern to prepare for when I knit my first pair of Cookie A socks. It is interesting having something besides the kids that I want to get better at. It used to be dancing, and not even really all that whole heartedly. I worked really hard (sometimes) to be the best dancer I could ever be, because I loved dancing. Now I love knitting and I want to become really good at that someday.
ps- it's raining in Las Vegas. I love it! we went outside and collected some in a jar and KaBean and I danced around with our arms up thanking the sky for it's gift. Bliss. Really, really bliss.
Your shawl looks wonderful, love the yarn you are using. It always surprises me how surprised husbands are when they see the finished article, I guess when its all in bits or smooshed on the needle it hard to tell. Nice feeling when someone appreciates what you do
It rained for a few seconds on Thursday here in Chicago--we're hoping to see more! I think the Pacific Northwest is hoarding all the rain these days!
Thank you, Sue, I kind of love it too... even when it hates me. lol.
@Sarah, I'm really jealous of anyone who is getting more than a drizzle right now. :)
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