
Days and Days and Back to the Beginning.

"We made it. We pulled up to my parents house last night, before the big stores had closed in town. so like, 8. I drove the whole way. 889 miles, me. and we made it. No one died, or was left. Not even the dog."

So I wrote that the first night after we got to my parents house. We got here a few days before Thankstaking, and I think that must be about week now that we've been here. We're trying to settle in, and effect my parents' routine as little as possible, but that, as I'm sure you can imagine, is not going well with 2 very awesomely active Littles running all over. Thank my lucky stars that The ManChild is still nursing and napping, or these few (long/short) hours we have to glean quite time from would never happen. KaBean is quite wonderful at accepting the quite time volume limits, but her attention span is not as long as The ManChild's nap span... But that's to be expected. She is awesome.

A lot has happened, and I really want to tell you about it, but my mother is trying to tell me how I'm lame.


In Case You Wanted to do Something Fun...

Go look at the pretty pictures on my Instagram profile...

because they're awesome, and I'm lazy.


Word Vomit and Gratitude Sunday

I'm loving watching these Littles of mine grow. This week has been hard for us. Almost all their toys and games have been boxed up, furniture is being moved, and we're out of catsup because I refuse to buy anymore food we won't use up before we leave. i'm mean like that i guess. but really, what am i supposed to do with a twice used bottle of catsup? And with all this unpleasant change has come outbursts and temper tantrums and disagreements... and about half of that is me. in my defense, i was also sick AND it was my Shark Week. But despite all this, I see my kids and their perfect moments... the ones that happen all day long but maybe I'm not paying enough attention and I miss it. Just now, I finished nursing the ManChild and gently got up to pee, "I'll be right back," I said, "I'm just going potty. Sissy will hold your hand." I wasn't gone but maybe a moment and when I came back, they were still holding hands, fast asleep. 

I know I've been neglecting this silly little blog. Which is super lame of me, I have brilliant ideas to share all day long. But to be honest, blogging and moving sucks. I feel like I complain about it all the time and no one likes a whiney blogger. but SHIT! moving totally blows. didn't i just pack this godam crap? I've been so caught up in not-organizing that there are no knitting pictures... heck, there's been literally and absolutely zero knitting. And I know at least some of you dear readers come for the yarn. don't pretend you don't. There also haven't been any kid pictures either really. Well, my camera hates me. It says asshole things like "no, i won't focus on that awesome texture," and "sorry, sweetheart, but we all know your kids/knitting/dog/those mountains are cuter blurry/dark/bright/not in the shot." ok, maybe the last one is my fault. And since getting hit with the world's hugest over use fee on my data plan fuck you att, I've been pretty anal about my phone usage too. So yay! blog with no pics whoohoo!!!! And I don't know why else anyone would read this silly totally awesome blog. Except maybe for the diapers. I promise I have an awesome cloth diapering a toddler/potty training post coming up... if I ever actually sit down to write it. Oh and we've been reading awesome things, so I have a post in my head for both Ginny's Yarn Along and Unschool Monday... But I have to actually write those too... shit.

But today, what I do have, is Gratitude Sunday with Taryn. Her posts are always so magikal, I wish everyone would go over and read some of them. Also, she and her husband, Jeff, make the most wondrous buttons and things out of reclaimed wood and wood the find on their property, as well as salves and ointments, that they sell at their Etsy shop. 

Oh well. I'm so grateful for everyone who reads this blog and all my ridiculous word vomit. It would be cool to hear from some readers, if any care to comment, what types of things you'd like to hear more of... give me some ideas. 

I'm so grateful that my family is letting the kids and I stay with them for a few months while Huz gets some more things finished.

I'm soooo grateful to Snoop Lion for hosting my man's first EP. I'm grateful that Snoop let Huz use his studio, I'm grateful to DaeOne for making the beats all original, right there during the sesh. 

And most of all, I'm so grateful to my man. I'm thankful that I get to see his face on and off thru out the months. I'm thankful for 6 years and 2 beautiful babies. he still thinks i'm hot, even when i don't. I'm thankful that his job is structured to give us time apart to miss each other, lol. 

thank you air, thank you blood, thank you fire and water and body. today was an awesome day.


It's Sunday.

One week from today, or tomorrow, we will be leaving Las Vegas (oh cheryl...) and heading back to NorCal. I am super grateful that I have parents who welcome us when things don't go the way we were wishing. Huz and I are starting to formulate a Grown-Up plan for our money and credit and where we want to see ourselves in 5 years. I've never really done that. The future is a scary place, I much prefer the Now.

My mother has been gifting me my cell phone for years now, so long that I am grandfathered into, not the awesome unlimited everything plan that AT&T used to have, but the data plan that is so small they no longer sell it. LOL. It's always worked great for me, until last month. Last month, I magically went over it close to twice and this month, in 4 days, I somehow used 3 times my usual amount!!! without having the apps or data even turned on! so, because of this, I am going to try and make friends with my camera again. See if I can get her taking decent pictures to post here. wish me luck!


Harry Potter, Knitting (or the major lack thereof), and Moving

It is amazing how I go about my life being so proud of the fact that really, as a family, we don't own much. It's been about 6 months since the last time I packed and I was feeling super stoked that during our time in Vegas we haven't acquired a lot of new stuff. But then the boxes started piling up and the shelves began emptying and the small furniture is being stored in in the "kid room" and I noticed... "there sure are a lot of fucking boxes." Where did all this stuff come from? What even is it? Most of my fiber and fiber related tools and books have been packed in their own boxes so what, exactly is in the rest? Turns out... We have more toys and "home"items than we thought. The ManChild's belly cast takes up almost its own box, and then there are the blankets, the keepsake kid art, the toys... almost one whole box dedicated wholly to the kids play kitchen and accessories. Art Supplies and my scant fabric collection and acrylic paints, glue guns, ribbons, sequins... Turns out we have quite a few very large stuffed animals and special hand made, gifted pillows. When we started packing there was much grand discussion of "trimming down another layer," and "keeping only our favorite/ most meaningful paintings..." It's true that I've come up with a few more donation bags but really, there isn't a big difference from last time. Well, maybe there will be... this photo doesn't contain any clothes or kitchen items, there are still a few boxes of toys and house detritus to be added

Also, since packing and being with the kids thru this move has become forefront in my daily thought, my knitting has fallen behind. I have finished some things, I think I've started some others... There will be pics too, and a run down of my best most yarnish instagram pics soon. and by soon i mean when things start to settle.

True story: I'm slowly falling in love with the whole Harry Potter Movie Version... As a book devotee, I never thought it would happen, but I kind of love it. It's been a Harry Potter-a-thon during the packing. wish me luck