
One Woman's Gathering.

I had the most amazing walk this afternoon. A dear friend took the kids to the movies and I walked the ocean. I parked at my favorite trail head and walked to Virgin Creek to watch the surfers. Mariee Sioux in one ear and the bird song and gentle pounding of Mama Ocean in the other. I sat and listened to her voice for a long while, her music speaks to my soul in such a deep feeling way. I took out the music and listens to ocean and sent my roots deep down into Mama Earth and my branches and leaves as far up into The Sky as they could go. We exist in the middle place between Sky and Earth, a sacred place. I could hear it singing to my heart. I kept listening in one ear to Mariee and one ear to the ocean and walked back along the wave line, my feet soaking in the waves, my skirt tied and untying in each new surge. I walked back to my car bare foot and felt the Earth under me. Getting back into my car and finishing my errands has been like floating. I had just been dancing in the waves and woods and now I'm in Safeway dealing with banking shit. 

It is such an amazing blessing to live in this amazing, beautiful, sacred place. I am honored to call this place my home. 

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