
This Moment

{this moment}

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{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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To day i'm joining Amanda at SouleMama. Because she is rad. and I haven't posted in a while.


Over the Hills and Thru the Woods...


{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.} 
Because nature and beauty are always things to be grateful for...
ps- click the link to go to Taryn's page and see her list, it is always so beautiful and inspiring.
pps- get really really inspired and write or own list, then link it... or not. just feeling grateful is worth it.

This is what we get to live in and see every day! All these pictures were taken walking between my parents house and the cabin on our neighbors property, where we are staying till it is time to move all the way to Las Vegas. I love this cabin and I LOVE these woods. I'm going to miss this place so very much when we go.

Abundant Trilliums. For Taryn...

Old Growth Redwood Log... and Boy.

These wild flowers smell like honey.

Up the hill to my Parents House. 

When we were kids growing up in this forest, that stand that Bean is climbing in was one of our
lesser forts.  But now it is the perfect size for my Littles.

Calypso Orchid. There is a whole patch of these growing right next to the trail/driveway. I love walking past
 them and seeing all this color. The forest flowers this year are amazing!

Another HUGE old growth stump near the cabin. There are so many great places for the kids to play!

Hey look! It's the Man-Child, pants-less in the forest. As a man child should be. lol.

That colorful blur there is KaBean falling off the same log that Kevin Foster fell of when we made a Robin Hood movie in our church youth group. The only thing that would have made this moment match that moment perfectly would be the Littlest Beeman somewhere in the background saying "that's so re-mantic..."
Living in this cabin, in my woods, is the best way to finish off our time on the coast. Seeing my kids play where my brothers and I played is so special and amazing. I am so blessed. I am so Blessed.

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G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y

Taryn from Wooly Moss Roots has a wonderful sunday tradition that I would like to share this week.

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.} 

When a person has such a week as my family and I have had, it can be very hard to be grateful. It is easier to focus on all the negative, all the "so-and-so doesn't like me any more." and "i'm a worthless human being." and "my dad thinks i'm stupid." This morning, all that felt like it was going to consume me, to drain me dry and leave me in a sobbing mass of cells in front of Jodi's house. But I got to speak to Lily, which always helps, even if that wasn't a long talk... it helped. Then Jodi and I went for a nice walk on the Old Haul Road, which always fixes anything. Followed by a lone walk thru the woods to our almost-ready-for-us cabin. The first item in Taryn's post was Trilliums. And she got me thinking. I am so blessed and so grateful to the universe to have allowed me to live here. In the redwoods. No other tree in the world compares. There is no other wild flower any where on the planet with the simple beauty of the trillium. No place where ocean meets the land quite like this place. This patch of earth has made me who I am.
Thank you, Ocean, for the sound of your waves I can hear on quiet nights all the way at my parents house.
Thank you, Forest, for the dancing trees silhouetted against the night sky. I've fallen asleep watching this dance for more nights than I can count.
Thank you, SmallTown, for providing me with so many loving and generous friends and neighbors.
Thank you, My Babies, for making my every day a little more fun.
Thank you, Huz, for doing everything you can to make our lives better. And thank you for brining us together again. I can't wait.
And finally, thank you Taryn, your words and pictures always remind me that there is something in your day to be grateful for, no matter how small.


Goodbye House

Goodbye kitchen where I nourished my family.

Goodbye bedroom where my children slept safe and warm.

Goodbye corner where my son was born.

Goodbye beautiful home where we lived happily and safely for the last 2 odd years. Thank you.

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Fiber Corner

This is what it looks like this morning.

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Putting Our Life into Boxes

My stash um... area... Before I began my mad dash to PACK ALL THE THINGS!!! I think this was taken around march 2nd or 3rd...

The very first packed box, ready to go. All my not-qued yarn, my cook and craft book, and possibly some roving... I can't remember.

Wait. That's not right... Stuff doesn't go in boxes, KIDS do!! These 2 small, amazing new people are completely silly all the time and so quick and eager to help (but not in any practical way lol) and happy. Little A has moods and sad times, we all do, but they are both so joyful in their regular activities. Little B thinks moving is a cause for celebration and dances or poses every where he goes. He just reached out and sleep punched me. His way of telling my to snuggle up and go to sleep.

Huz is home
Both the kids are healthy
We are looking forward to some amazing new adventures

I do live a blessed life.

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I got some great comments on my previous post and they inspired me to fix the blogger app on my phone because I really did take pictures of the silk singles!


This is what it looks like to spin out died silk singles. The unspun silk is super fluffy and soooo soft, just a dream to spin once you get a good long draw draft (?). After I spun these singles I plied them together and I am sort of disappointed in how it looks. I mean, yeah, it is gorgeous, because it is silk died the most wonderful combination of purple and blue and green, so of coarse, it is amazing... but... it is too... heavy? BUT! I did save some of the singles to ply with my blue/green/ocean merino, and THAT yarn is perfect. Unfortunately, I do not have pictures.

That is all for now... Pretty soon, we will be in our new home and I will unpack all my yarn and make have Huz take real pictures of everything and feel like a professional artist... or... I'll just keep spinning and stashing and spinning and giving. 

PS- I forgot to link this in my Wooly Dreams post, but if any of you readers are interested in seeing more aahhhh-mazing hand spun yarn, check out Woolly Wednesday over at Spinsiration. There are some great links, but I'd love to see more so if you spin too post something!!! 

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